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    drinking water purification methods

    drinking water purification methods 7


    If water is named on the water, but if it is contaminated then water can be the cause of many diseases. Which may gradually push you to death. But if we take a little awareness of water, we can easily get rid of many lethal diseases. Today, some simple methods of purifying water are discussed-


    One of the oldest and effective methods of purifying water is to illustrate it. According to the World Health Organization, if the water is boiled for 5 to 25 minutes at 60 degrees Celsius or above, then all of the germs and larvasaha are destroyed.

    Then the water advisory panel advised to keep the water covered with clean containers in a clean container, and water adviser Abdullah Al Mueed, head of the advocacy department.

    He also told to use glass or steel utensils instead of plastic utensils for water conservation. He also especially emphasized whether the pot or the glass that is being consumed in the glass has been properly cleaned.

    Mr. Muhid said that if the water kept boiled water for a long time, then there would be a threat of microbial attack. For this reason, he advised not to eat boiled water for more than two days.


    Removing harmful germs can only be purified by dispersing water, but can be completely purified through a filter to remain completely free of charge. In addition to those who have gas problems, the simplest method is to purify the water. Various types of filters are available in the market. Many of which are able to completely eliminate the stomach of water as well as the stomach.

    There are two main types of filters available in the market. One of the ceramic filters and the second is the latest technology of River Osmosis Filter. Most people in Bangladesh use ceramic filters. However, according to Abdullah Al Mueed, the amount of pure water you get from this filter depends on whether the filter is regularly cleaned.

    Chlorine tablets or bleaching

    Chlorine is a chemical used to destroy water germs. Water can be purified by water purification chlorine tablets if there is no water to boil or filter.

    Water can be purified through tablets, usually in a remote place or in a state of emergency or emergency situations. Pure water can be found in a tablet or 10 liters of water in every three liters of water to keep the bleaching confined.

    If there is some smell in the water, then it is open in a clean place or if it is handled with a clean piece of cloth, the odor mixes in the air, said Abdullah Al Mueed.

    Potash or fitkiri

    After mixing a little fatty them in pitcher water for two to three hours, the dirt lying inside the water is leveled below the level. In this case, to collect refined water from the top of the pot and to drop the water from the bottom. Or, Mr. Muayid has suggested saving with water, and save it.

    Solar system

    In places where there is no other way of drinking water, in the initial stage, water can be purified in the solar system. In this process, to keep dehydrated water, it will be kept in heat and heat for a few hours. By this, all the water bacteria are damaged.

    Ultraviolet Rays

    A method of effective ultraviolet radiation to clean and clean water is to release germs. By this, all kinds of water bacteria are destroyed. This ultraviolet perfection technology has many modern filters in the market. However, this method is not very effective in crumbled water or chemical-related water. Moreover, this way is a little expensive.


    After mixing two percent iodine solution in one liter of water, the water becomes pure after covering a few minutes. But Mr. Mustaid has advised doing this work only by skilled people. Because water and iodine levels are not right, the water can harm the body. BBC

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