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    Women's interest in childbirth decreasing?

    Worldwide, the rate of giving birth to women has decreased significantly. In many countries, the child's retention of children is so low that there is not a sufficient number of children to maintain population balance.

    Researchers say that the information found in the research is quite surprising. Due to decreasing childbirth, it will have a profound effect on society. The number of grandparents or grandchildren will be increased than grandchildren. This means that the number of elderly people in society will increase. Research has been published in the medical journal Lancet.

    In the study, the trends in the birth rate in each country were analyzed from 1950 to 2017. In 1950 a woman gave birth to 4.7 children in her entire life. But in 2017 it came down to 2.4. But there are wide variations of birth rate among different countries. In West Africa, Nizar's birth rate is 7.1, but the Mediterranean island of Cyprus is giving birth to a baby in Cyprus.

    On the other hand, like other countries in Western Europe, Britain's birth rate is 1.7. If the birth rate in a country falls below 2.1, then the population of the country will start to decrease. When this study was done in 1950, the population of any country in the world was not below 2.1 °.

    Which countries are more affected: Women in Europe, America, South Korea, and Australia are giving birth to fewer children. But this does not mean that the population of those countries is declining nowadays. Because the matter of population depends on various factors.

    The population of these countries depends on the number of births of children, the rate of mortality and the number of immigrants. There are still enough babies born in half of the world. But as these countries progress towards economic growth, the number of childbirths will be reduced.

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