Wednesday, March 26.
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    Apple's Quality and Benefits


    Apple is a fruit of very nice red tasty delicious. We all know these beautiful fruits and are known to small and big people. It works to increase the body's immune system. If we eat apples every day, the risk of getting infected is greatly reduced.

    There is a word in English
    Regularly playing apple does not require a doctor. This delicious fruit contains plenty of vitamins A, vitamin C, phytonutrients and vitamin E. It works great for diabetes and heart disease. Besides, clean apples like the tooth.

    Read More: The amount of vitamins in the banana

    Besides >>

     remove the cancer

    Help reduce cholesterol

    remove the gallstone

    Reduce weight

    overcome the fevers

    Alzheimer's Resistance

    make the bones hard

    keep the liver healthy, apple is very fruitful

    Nutritional quality: Every 100 gms of apple is contained -

    Protein is 0.26g
    Fiber 2.4g
    vitamin E 0.18mg
    Vitamin C 4.6mg
    calcium 6mg
    cholesterol  l0mg
    sugar 13.81g
    Fat 0.17g
    Potassium 107mg
    magnesium 5mg
    Zinc 0.04 mg
    iron 0.12 mg
    sodium 1 mg 
    Phosphorus 11mg
    Food power  52 kilocals

    You can understand how much nutritious food it is. So keep eating apple regularly.

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