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    The amount of vitamins in the banana


    Nutritious to banana. It contains the tissue formulas of the mineral and vitamins. A good source of calories.

    Researchers found that there are about 500 milligrams of potassium in a solution. And if the human body supplies 1600 milligrams of potassium every day, one million people can survive the stroke annually.

    Food quality
    The analysis of the quantities of food grains per 100 grams is as follows.

    Water (water) ------------------ 70.1%
    Protein ---------------------- 1.2%
    Fat (fat) ------------------ 0.3%
    Mineral salt ------------------- 0.8%
    Fiber ------------------------- 0.4%
    Sugar ------------------------ 7.2%
    Total ----------------------- 100.0%.

    Mineral salt and vitamins

    Calcium ----------------------- 85 mg
    Phosphorus ------------------------ 50 mg
    Iron --------------------- 0.6 mg Vitamin-C, low Vitamin-B complex ----- 8 mg.
    Total calories ----------------------- 116

    Source: Wikipedia 

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