Wednesday, March 26.
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    The hair is torn off! The solution is near the hand

    Most shampoos and conditioners use most chemical that it's unfeasible to alleviate follicle issues.

    Well! Who would not like to have smooth, shiny and healthy hair? But due to a large variety of chemical products available in the market, our hair tends to get damaged. Some of the common hair problems are dry hair, hair falling or thinning, gray hair or even split ends. The term split ends refers to the splitting or fraying of the hair shaft at the tip of your hair. The condition is medically called trichoptilosis. Split ends can be caused by thermal, mechanical or chemical stress or when the hair becomes damaged. This tends to weaken the protective outer layer of the hair cuticle. Lack of proper nourishment can make the problem of split ends even worse. They can look unappealing and make your hair shabby. But thanks to some home remedies, you can make your hair healthy all over again.

    These home remedies will facilitate get you to eliminate split ends:

    1. Egg mask

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                               Egg mask

    Eggs area unit made in supermolecule and essential fatty acids in eggs will facilitate treat split ends. Hair area unit primarily created from supermolecule and {this is|this is often|this will be} why eggs can facilitate strengthen the hair follicles. additionally, eggs can build your hair swish, cut back tangles, and build your hair thick. you'll use associate egg hair mask by mixture some oil or curd.

    2. copra oil

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    copra oil

    Not just for health however copra oil is made in healthy fatty acids that make it a superb natural conditioner which will nourish your split ends.

    3. Yogurt

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    Yogurt is once more made in atomic number 20 and supermolecule and alternative healthy nutrients. you'll mix the dairy product with egg or oil to create a hair mask. you'll use this hair mask on a regular basis for lustrous and thick hair.

    4. Bananas

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    The light and creamy texture of bananas are nice for acquisition hair and might assist you get eliminate split ends. made in metallic element and antioxidants you'll build a hair mask with a mashed banana. you'll even combine in some honey, juice or copra oil for further wet. Apply it to your split ends and wash it when it dries.

    5. Milk

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    The supermolecule in can be useful for your hair and can build dry ends satiny and soft. merely dip your hair in heat milk or rinse your entire head. Even almond milk, soymilk or coconut milk can facilitate treat your broken hair.

    6. Honey

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    Honey could be a sticky substance which may really profit your hair. it's powerful enough to draw in wet and retain the wet. you'll skinny out honey by combining milk, juice or maybe oil to that.

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